If I was White
The world would make
more sense to me
If I was White
I could walk down the street
and people would pay no particular
attention to me.
It may not seem like much
but if you've ever had a
shopkeeper tell you to
Buy something move or move on, or
simple follow you around the shop,
it's significant.
If I was White
I could go to church
and Jesus Christ would
look like me.
Imagine Christ images all the over
world being black.
If I was White
I wouldn't be asked if I was
Fullblood, Half-caste or part White.
If I was White
I could say This land
has been in my family
for three generations
If I was White
I could say My family
have lived on this loand
for two hudnreed years
If I was White
I could say My father worked hard
to buy this land.
If I was White
I would not hear other White People
say to me you don't look like you
have a lot of White in you, or
You don't look White.
If I was White
My fair skin
would not be such an issue
with other White People.
But I am Black
and I am as musunderstood
as the next Blackfella
But I am beginning to understand the White Man. (1)
Vernon Ah Kee